I have lost my password

L1 Support Engineer

Last Update 2 years ago

In order to recover your account password, you should choose the “Forgot password?” option on our Clients Area page:


Once you press the password recovery option, you will be presented with the following methods:

There are two options to recover your password, we will describe both options, here in the article.

Password Recovery by Email

  1. First, choose the option “Remind by email“;
  2. Enter your email address, which you are using in our system and press “Send me my password“.

Once this is done, you will get a confirmation email and will have to press the button “Reset Password” in the message content. After confirmation, you will get a second email from our system with the new password.

Note: If you can not get a confirmation email, you can contact us by chat support so that we could check if you have entered the correct email address.

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